SEO Plans
Our robust SEO Plans will help significantly drive organic traffic from search engines like Google to your website.
one time
- 1 Website
- 1 Keyword / 5 pages
- Increase Performance Scores
- Up to 25 images optimized

1 keyword per page up to 5 pages.
Google My Business setup
Higher score performances in today's leading website evalution tools including Gtmetrix & Google's PageSpeed Insights.

/ per year
- 3 Websites
- 2 Keywords / 5 pages
- Increase Performance Scores
- Up to 50 images optimized

Up to 2 keywords per page up to 10 pages.
Includes AIOSEO Elite (a $600 a year value) for optiomal SEO coverage including eCommerce, local business & more. For a full list please visit AIOSEO.
Google My Business setup
Higher score performances in today's leading website evalution tools including Gtmetrix & Google's PageSpeed Insights.
/ per year
- 1 Website
- 1 Keywords / 5 pages
- Increase Performance Scores
- Up to 25 images optimized

Up to 1 keywords per page up to 5 pages.
Includes AIOSEO Elite (a $600 a year value) for optiomal SEO coverage including eCommerce, local business & more. For a full list please visit AIOSEO.
Google My Business setup
Higher score performances in today's leading website evalution tools including Gtmetrix & Google's PageSpeed Insights.
Increase Performance Scores

Our SEO Service not only improves your website speed but also your performance score which is a significant factor on how well your website shows up in search results.
Find out in less than 1 minute using GTMetrix's FREE and NO ACCOUNT REQUIRED robust testing solution. Simply just enter in your website's URL address.
Also discover in less than a 1 minute using Google's Free Rich Test Tool to see how well search engines interpret your website for ranking in search results. This tool follows which is the schema structure guidline ALL search engines use for understanding what a website is all about.